Meaning card verification value
What does card verification value mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word card verification value. You can also add a definition of card verification value yourself


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card verification value

Card Verification Value . This is the three digit security code on the back of a credit card issued by Visa and Discover.
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card verification value

Card Verification Value Service is used by Visa and is a three digit security number indent printed on the back of Visa cards to help validate two things: that the customer has a genuine visa card in their possession and that the card account is legitimate.
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card verification value

A unique value calculated from the data encoded on the magnetic stripe of a VISA card, validating card information during the authorization process.
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card verification value

A card verification value (CVV) is a security feature present in credit, debit and ATM cards to facilitate "card not present" transactions. It is an extra security feature meant to e [..]


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card verification value

A method used to ensure that a credit card being used in a purchase is in the possession of its owner. The CVV security code is a 3 or 4 digit code imprinted on the physical credit card, but not embedded or encrypted in the magnetic stripe. The code is a 3-digit number located on the signature strip on the back of Visa and MasterCard cards, after t [..]
Source: (offline)

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